美国国会众议院荣誉议长南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)对美国之音表示,她从以前就对中国政府是否会遵守对香港的承诺持怀疑态度,现在事实证明他们没有履行承诺。“我们对中共在压制中国和香港人权感到失望,”这位重量级资深民主党联邦众议员说。
US lawmakers on Wednesday vowed to keep up pressure to free Hong Kong pro-democracy media tycoon Jimmy Lai, whose son warned ...
China is among those countries that retaliates against people for engaging with the United Nations and tries hard to silence ...
Tens of thousands of people with severe disabilities enjoy productive jobs,” but now Kamala Harris “has pledged to outlaw ...
N ewspaperman Jimmy Lai sits in a Hong Kong jail cell because he tried to keep alive the freedoms that once made this city a ...
More than 23 hours a day in a Chinese prison cell. Virtually no access to sunlight or medical care or exercise. Those are the conditions 76-year-old Jimmy Lai has endured day after day, year after ...
Two former executives of Hong Kong’s Next Digital media group have filed a legal challenge against global accounting firm BDO ...
The forced closure of Lai’s Apple Daily newspaper and Stand News in 2021, and the conviction of Stand News editors last month ...
Hong Kong's undersecretary for security, Michael Cheuk, rejected the group's suggestion that data could be leaked from the ...
On a blue-sky September day almost exactly five years ago, I stood on the steps of the U.S. Capitol and shook the hand of a ...
Speaking aboard the papal plane, Pope Francis encouraged U.S. Catholics to vote with their conscience in the upcoming Nov. 5 ...