It’s been 35 years since the launch of the most important operating system you’ve never heard of -- and it was made by Steve ...
Preston Bezos joins Karl Cook and Phoebe Gates on the list of wealthy tech progenies who have made their mark outside of ...
Steve Jobs, the iconic co-founder of Apple, was not the easiest boss to work for. But his management philosophy was a clear ...
Dana Maor, Hans-Werner Kaas, Kurt Strovink, and Ramesh Srinivasan, the authors of McKinsey's latest book, The Journey of ...
近日,YC 创始人 Paul Graham 最新文章《创始人模式(Founder Mode)》在硅谷创投圈爆火,很多创始人在转发时都说深有感触,马斯克转发时说「值得一读」,Brex CEO Pedro Franceschi ...
The first-generation Apple desk top computer created by the company’s co-founders is up for sale at Christie’s in New York.
Iger said in an interview with Time magazine last year that his return to Disney was inspired by Jobs' return to Apple in ...
在马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)40岁生日之际,他的妻子为他拍摄了一组照片。扎克伯格坐在精心布置的卧室中,对着镜头微笑。熔岩灯、参赛奖杯、老式木板床营造出复古氛围,C++、Java等技术类书籍和经典款Windows ...
Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff reveals how a conversation with Steve Jobs inspired Agentforce, the company's groundbreaking AI strategy set to revolutionize enterprise software.
电话窃听,操控电话系统的艺术 ...
Steve Jobs advised Bob Iger to retire from Disney and enjoy life. This advice was given shortly before Jobs's death in 2011.
作者:Siete,编辑:刀姐doris 在这个世界上我有两个非常崇拜的品牌创始人,一个是苹果的创始人 Steve Jobs 乔帮主,一个就是 lululemon 的创始人 Chip Wilson。